
Regular Board of Education Meeting
Beverly Hills USD
June 19, 2018 5:00PM
CLOSED SESSION - Administrative Building 255 South Lasky Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212 OPEN SESSION - STC/Jon Cherney Lecture Hall, Beverly Hills High School 241 Moreno Drive Beverly Hills,

III.B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) & (d)(2) of Section 54956.9: (3 Cases)
III.C. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code 54956.9(d)(1)): Beverly Hills Unified School District v. Federal Transit Administration; et al. (Case No. 2:18-cv-0716)
III.D. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT Title: Assistant Principal, Beverly Vista School, Assistant Principal, Beverly Hills High School
III.E. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS: Agency Representative: Luke Pavone Employee Organizations: CSEA, BHEA-Certificated, BHEA-IA, BHEA-OTBS Unrepresented Employees

IX.A. Public Hearing for the Proposed Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
The LCAP and the district budget must be presented at a public hearing prior to the board meeting at which the LCAP and the budget are adopted. The LCAP must be approved by the local school board at the same meeting, but prior to adoption of the district budget. The Beverly Hills Unified School District LCAP, followed by the budget, will be presented for approval at the June 21, 2018 Board Meeting. Not later than five days after adoption of the LCAP, the governing board shall file the LCAP with the Los Angeles County superintendent of schools. As part of the LCFF, school districts, COEs, and charter schools are required to develop, adopt, and annually update a three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) beginning on July 1, 2017, using a template that was adopted by the California State Board of Education (SBE) in January 2014. In addition, the SBE is required to adopt evaluation rubrics to assist LEAs and oversight entities in evaluating strengths, weaknesses, areas that require improvement, technical assistance needs, and where interventions are warranted on or before October 1, 2016. Subsequent revisions to the template or evaluation rubrics are required to be approved by the SBE by January 31 before the fiscal year in which the template or rubric would be used. The LCAP is required to identify goals and measure progress for student subgroups across eight state priority areas.  Districts must include in their LCAP  (1) actions, services and expenditures for all students and subgroups and (2) additional actions and services for “unduplicated pupils” including low-income students, English learners, foster youth and redesignated English learners. The superintendent must review the Single Plan for Student Achievement from school sites to ensure the actions in the LCAP are consistent with strategies in school plans submitted pursuant to education code 64001. 
Financial Impact:
Please see the accompanying agenda item for a Public Hearing on the District's proposed Adopted Budget.                           
BHUSD Local Control Accountability Plan & Annual Update 2018
IX.B. Public Hearing for the 2018-19 Budget
Pursuant Education Code 42103 and 42127, the Beverly Hill Unified School District's proposed 2018-19 Budget will be placed on the agenda for public hearing to allow members of the public an opportunity for input prior to the budget adoption. A recommendation will be made to have the Board of Education take action to adopt the District's 2018-19 Budget at the next regular meeting on June 21, 2018. With the continued implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula and the Local Control Accountability Plan, the District has analyzed its anticipated budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year. The District anticipates continued certification as a Community Funded District, meaning that the District will receive the majority of its funding through local property tax collections. The District continues to experience decreased enrollment/ADA and increased assessed valuation which reflects an increase in property tax dollars.
2018-19 Budget
X.A. Approval Board Meeting Minutes

X.A.1. Regular Board Meeting-6.7.2018
Regular Board Meeting Minutes 6.7.18
X.B. Personnel Reports
X.B.1. Certificated Personnel Report-RevisedWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Throughout the year there are changes to employee status due to many situations which include separations in employment, hiring of new staff, and changes in current status. It is the charge of the Human Resources Department to ensure the appropriate staffing of the schools. The individuals included on this report have completed all hiring processes and are ready to begin their employment with the Beverly Hills Unified School District should the Board approve their hiring. All individuals are appropriately credentialed for the assignments for which they are being hired, and all positions are already included within the Board's approved budget, fall within restricted categorical funding categories, and/or are legally or contractually required positions.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact of the certificated personnel items have been reviewed by the Business Office to ensure that the items are within the scope of the adopted budget.
Certificated Personnel Report-Revised 6.19.18
X.B.2. Classified Personnel Report
Throughout the year there are changes to employee status due to many situations which include separations in employment, hiring of new staff, and changes in current status. It is the charge of the Human Resources Department to ensure the appropriate staffing of the schools. The individuals included on this report have completed all hiring process and are ready to begin their employment with the Beverly Hills Unified School District should the Board approve their hiring. All positions are already included within the Board's approved budget, fall within restricted categorical funding categories, and/or are legally or contractually required positions.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact of the classified personnel items have been reviewed by the Business Office to ensure that the items are within the scope of the adopted budget.
Classified Personnel Report
X.C. Approval of Annual Contract With The Maple Counseling Center for the 2018-2019 School Year
This contract with Maple Counseling Center is presented to the Board for approval to support students and staff through the services they provide, such as individual and group counseling, mental health assessments, support groups, workshops, substance and alcohol abuse prevention and education activities in partnership with the District's instructional programs. The Maple Counseling Center has provided services and worked closely with the District for many years providing counseling and community support services to benefit students and staff. The District has noted an increase of TMCC services that have benefited students for individual and group counseling services, mental health recommendations, support groups for students, workshops, substance and alcohol abuse prevention referral, a student peer counseling program at Beverly Hills High School, the Community Circle Program, consultations as needed and crisis debriefings to students and staff of the District. Attached is the agreement between the Maple Counseling Center and the BHUSD. The sum of $70,000 to be paid during the 2018-2019 school year to the Center is paid from the General Fund unrestricted funds. The payments are to be made on October 1st and March 1st of each school year in equal amounts of thirty thousand dollars ($35,000) each.
Financial Impact:
The sum of $70,000 to be paid during the 2018-2019 school year to the Center is paid from the General Fund unrestricted funds. The payments are to be made on October 1st and March 1st of each school year in equal amounts of thirty thousand dollars ($35,000) each.
Agreement Between TMCC & BHUSD
Insurance Certificate
X.D. Approval of the Licensing Agreement with Document Tracking Services for 2018-2019 School Plan and LCAP
Document Tracking Service provides a web-based template for design of school plans and the district LCAP.  Updating of school plans and LCAP are done on an annual basis and require specific data and funding formatting, analysis of data and setting of goals and action plans based on the data.    The cost of Document Tracking Service for six school sites is $1,695.00.    
Financial Impact:
The cost of Document Tracking Service for six school sites is $1,695.00.                              
DTS Renewal 2018-19
X.E. Approval of Williams Uniform Complaint Quarterly Report Summary - Fourth Quarter (April 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018)
The Williams Uniform Complaint Quarterly Report Summary must be presented to the Board of Education for approval each quarter (October 20, 2017; January 19, 2018; April 20, 2018; and July 20, 2018). Upon approval by the Board of Education, the report is then forwarded to the Los Angeles County Superintendent for approval. Attached is the report summary for April 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018. All schools in California are affected by new laws that are the result of the Williams lawsuit settlement. Known as the "Williams legislation," the laws seek to ensure that all students have equal access to the basics of a quality education: textbooks, safe and decent school facilities and qualified teachers. The laws focus on the state's lowest-performing schools, defined as those ranked in deciles 1-3 of the 2003 base Academic Performance Index. Williams creates an expanded role for the county superintendent of schools to monitor and report on low-performing schools. In Los Angeles County, Superintendent and his staff at LACOE are responsible for: - Conducting annual visits of the county's 600 low-performing schools. - Determining whether students have access to sufficient instructional materials and whether buildings are safe, clean and functional. - Monitoring whether teachers have proper classroom assignments and certifications. - Verifying the accuracy of School Accountability Report Cards relevant to instructional materials and facilities maintenance. - Reporting to the governing board of each school district, the county board of education and the county board of supervisors on the state of these schools.
4th Quarter UCP Summar Report 2017-18
X.F. Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Linda Weinstein, MS Ed.
Professional Services Agreement for evaluations, trainings and consult services in the area of Assistive Technology as needed through IEP recommendation. Not to exceed $15,000 for the 2018-2019 school year and comes out of the Student Services budget.
Financial Impact:
Professional Services Agreement for evaluations, trainings and consult services in the area of Assistive Technology as needed through IEP recommendation. Not to exceed $15,000 for the 2018-2019 school year through Student Services budget
Professional Services Agreement Linda Weinstein, MS Ed.
X.G. Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Dora Dome Law Offices
Professional Services Agreement to provide legal consult services and training sessions for staff to address Disproportionality,student discipline, and bullying concerns.Agreement not to exceed $35,000 for the 2018-2019 school year, funded through Student Services Department
Financial Impact:
Professional Services Agreement to provide legal consult services and training sessions for staff to address Disproportionality,student discipline, and bullying concerns Agreement not to exceed $35,000 for the 2018-2019 school year, funded through Student Services Department
Professional Services Agreement Dora Dome
X.H. Professional Services Agreement Hanna Interpreting Services, LLC
Utilizing both Special Education and Student Services funds, this one-year contract is to provide ongoing translation services from English to the Parent's native language as required by law. This service supports SSTs, IEPs, and disciplinary meetings; and document translations as needed. This contract for the 2018- 2019 school year and is not to exceed $15,000. $10,000 is funded by Special Education and $5,000 is from Student Services.
Financial Impact:
Utilizing both Special Education and Student Services funds, this one-year contract is to provide ongoing translation services from English to the Parent's native language as required by law. This service supports SSTs, IEPs, and disciplinary meetings; and document translations as needed. This contract is not to exceed $15,000. $10,000 is funded by Special Education and $5,000 is from Student Services. This contract is not to exceed $15,000. $10,000 is funded by Special Education and $5,000 is from Student Services.
Professional Services Agreement Hanna Interpreting Services LLC
X.I. Professional Services Agreement with Dr. Trang Nguyen
This Professional Services Agreement is to fund evaluations and vision therapy for Special Education students with visual motor issues as recommended through their Individual Education Program.The total cost of this contract is not to exceed $5,000 for the 2018-2019 school year. Funding is through the Student Services budget.
Financial Impact:
This Professional Services Agreement is to fund evaluations and vision therapy for Special Education students with visual motor issues as recommended through their Individual Education Program. The total cost of this contract is not to exceed $5,000 for the 2018-2019 school year. Funding is through the Student Services budget.
Professional Services Agreement Dr. Trang Nguyen
X.J. Professional Services Agreement for Psychological Solutions
This Professional Services Agreement is entered into with Psychological Solutions to complete two comprehensive psycho educational evaluations of students currently in residential facilities outside of California to determine the continued appropriate educational placement of these students.This contract is funded through the Student Services Department and is made for a not to exceed amount of $10,000 to complete the evaluations and hold I.E.P. meetings with the results of the evaluations.This contract is for the 2018- 2019 school year comes out of the Student Services budget.
Financial Impact:
This contract has a not to exceed cost of $10,000 for the 2018- 2019 school year and will be funded through the Student Services budget.
Professional Services Agreement Psychological Solutions.
X.K. Approval of Professional Services Agreement with FirstTek, Inc. for 2018-2019 school year
Over the course of the year, the District requires the services of consultants who provide a variety of services to the district under professional services agreements. At this time, the Board is asked to approve an agreement with First Tek, Inc. for 2018-2019 school year to render its services to facilitate the "Contracted Senior Network Administrator Services". The Board approved contracted services with FirstTek, Inc. for the 2017-2018 school year on July 11, 2017 and that contact will expire on June 30, 2018. Fees not to exceed $125,000 to be funded from the Technology General Fund.
Financial Impact:
Costs not to exceed $125,000 to be funded from the Technology General Fund.
2018-2019 PSA - First Tek Inc
X.L. Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Tech Ed Services, Inc. for 2018-2019 school year
Over the course of the year, the District requires the services of consultants who provide a variety of services to the district under professional services agreements. At this time, the Board is asked to approve an agreement with Tech Ed Services, Inc.(TES) to render services for Assist with Universal Service Fund Application(s) (E-Rate) for funding Year 2019. Fee not-to-exceed $13,500.00 to be funded out of budgeted general fund dollars in the technology services budget.
Financial Impact:
Fee not-to-exceed $13,500.00 to be funded out of budgeted general fund from the technology services budget.
2018-2019 PSA - Tech Ed Services Inc.
X.M. Approval of Professional Services Agreement - Anya Kamenetz
Over the course of the year, the District requires the services of consultants who provide a variety of services to the district under professional services agreements. At this time, the Board is asked to approve an agreement with Anya Kamenetz for her services during 2017-2018 school year at the BHUSD Plugged-in Parent Tech Ed Night. Fees not to exceed $2,000 to be funded from the Technology General Fund.
Financial Impact:
Costs not to exceed $2,000 to be funded from the Technology General Fund.
2017-18 PSA - Anya Kamenetz
X.N. Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Katherine R. Schindelheim
Renew the agreement with Katherine Schindelheim to provide services as Technical Director and supervisor for rental productions at District wide theater facilities. To oversee student stage hands during rentals. Operate, maintain and organize sound and lighting systems, fly lines, and other technical theater equipment. Contract; July 1, 2018 until June 30, 2019.
Financial Impact:
Fee not-to-exceed $3,000.
PSA Katherine Schindelheim 6.19.18
X.O. Extension of Pupil Transportation Contract for Field Trips and Athletic Events 2018-2019 School Year
The District competitively bid pupil transportation services for field trips and athletic events under Bid #15-16/019. For school year 2016-2017 The bid was awarded by the board. The bid allowed for a renewal option of the contract on an annual basis up to a maximum of five years pursuant to Education Code 39803. With the increase of minimum wage rates the transportation cost will increase consistent with rising cost of transportation.
Financial Impact:
Tumbleweed Transportation increased 5%, Four winds, Inc. will remain the same.
Four winds, Inc. Letter
Tumbleweed Inc.
X.P. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment
Pursuant to Education Code Sections 17545-17546, the Board of Education has the authority to sell, auction, donate, or otherwise dispose of District owned furniture, equipment, or materials no longer considered usable or needed or are otherwise considered obsolete by a unanimous vote of members present. If the Board of Education determines that the property is worth no more than $2,500 or that the property is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale, the said property may be sold, donated, or disposed of without advertising based on the unanimous vote of the board members present.
Financial Impact:
There is no disposal value for this equipment. Staff will contact local contractors who may be interested in purchasing equipment for salvage value.
Obsolete List June 2018
X.Q. Approval/Acceptance of Donations Listed Pursuant to Board Policy 3290
Pursuant to Board Policy 3290, the Beverly Hills Unified School District has received donations/gifts which may be accepted by the Board of Education.  All gifts, grants, and bequests shall become the property of the Beverly Hills Unified School District once accepted. 
Donation List - 061918
X.R. Cash Collection Report #22 for 2017-2018
The district has received cash and checks during the period of  April 24,2018 through April 30,2018 in the amount of $23,610.49. A detailed list has been included as part of this agenda item to reflect cash that has been collected by the district. Cash collected is available for board approved expenditures and is tracked by type and source.
Financial Impact:
The district collected $23,610.49 during this period.
Cash Collect #22
X.S. Approval of Warrant Report #13 for 2017-2018
Pursuant to Education Code 42630 et al, the District has issued warrants for salary, benefits, voluntary deductions and payments for goods and services from approved purchase orders and/or contracts. Each warrant has been reviewed for proper documentation and is in accordance with Education Code, Public Contract Code, and Board Policy. The warrant register for the month ending May 31,2018 is $2,447,720.64 for payroll and $4,084,475.92 for commercial vendor/contractor payments for a total disbursement of $6,532,196.56.
Warrant ACH Register Report #5
Warrant Report #13
X.T. Ratification of Purchase Order #22 2017/2018
The Purchase Orders have been issued for supplies, services and equipment according to Board Policy, Education Code, and Public Contract code. The period that was covered for the purchase orders issued were from May 25, 2018 through June 08, 2018.  Each purchase order was reviewed for funding availability as well as quality and price. The purchase order total for the aggregate of these reports is $190,260.23 for the General Fund and $2,125,553.50 for the Bond Fund.
Board Report #22
Board Report Cover #22
XI.A. Superintendent's Report
XI.B. Student Board Member Report
XII.A. Approval of Resolution 2017-2018-045-Authorization of Year-End Appropriating Transfers to be made by Los Angeles County Office of Education
Education Code (EC) Sections 42600 and 42601 authorize the County Superintendent of Schools (County Office) to identify and make budget transfers for districts to permit payment of obligations at the close of the school year. This authority requires approval from the district’s governing board.
Appropriation Transfer Request_BHUSD_2018-19
REsolution NO. 2017-18-045
XII.B. Approval of Resolution 2017-2018-046 Confirming the District’s Commitment to Fiscal Solvency
In the 2017-18 2nd interim approval letter dated April 10,2018 from the Los Angeles County of Education (LACOE), the District was requested to submit a Fiscal Stabilization Plan resolution, in acknowledgment of and a resolve to plan to address decreasing reserves.
Resolution No. 2017-2018-046
XII.C. Rejection of Claim No. 556264
Administration respectfully recommends that the Governing Board approve the rejection of Claim No. 556264. Notices will be sent to the appropriate parties informing them that their claim has been presented to the Beverly Hills Unified School District Board of Education and is being rejected by operation of law.
XIV.A. Special Board Meeting-Thursday, June 21, 2018-10:00 AM-Administrative Office/Board Room, 255 South Lasky Drive, Beverly Hills CA
XIV.B. Regular Board Meeting-Tuesday, July 10, 2018-5:00 PM-STC/Jon Cherney Lecture Hall, Beverly Hills High School
XIV.C. Regular Board Meeting-Tuesday, July 24, 2018-5:00 PM-STC/Jon Cherney Lecture Hall, Beverly Hills High School

Published: June 14, 2018, 3:53 PM

The resubmit was successful.